Tips To Follow To Have a Healthy Pregnancy and Lower Your Risk of Miscarriage
Having a baby is an exciting time for women, and it frequently motivates them to make healthier lifestyle choices and, if necessary, strive toward achieving a healthy body weight. Tips on how to improve your food and physical activity habits while pregnant and after your baby is born can be found here. These suggestions are also useful if you aren't pregnant but are considering having a child! You'll provide your child with the finest possible start in life and set a good example for the entire family. Maintain a healthy weight Gaining the proper amount of weight throughout pregnancy helps in the growth of your baby to a healthy size. However, gaining or losing too much weight can cause major health issues for both you and your baby. Dr. Sujit Chatterjee Hiranandani Hospital CEO claims that Putting on too much weight during pregnancy increases your risk of developing gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) and high blood pressure. It also raises your chan...